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Stop Your Bulldog From Excessively Barking

  • 18/06/2013

Barking is a natural instinct for most dogs. However it is also irritation when it is too much and when the dog decides to do it at 1.00 a.m. in the morning when you are trying to sleep. Bulldogs will bark for various reasons, some bark at any strange thing they do, some may bark at their litter mates during play or join in the barking initiated by another dog.

When trying to stop your bulldog from barking excessively, it is important that you first understand which situations trigger the barking. When you have done that then you can proceed to the next step. In any case, never encourage the dog to bark. Most cases of excessive barking result from rewards given or positive responses shown when the dog barked, this causes the dog to repeat the behavior.

If your bulldog barks to get your attention, then stop this behavior by refusing to give him attention when he is barking. Wait till the dog quiets down then you can lavish him with praises. Ignore the dog as long as he is barking.

You can also stop barking by removing the reason that causes your dog to bark. If for instance the dog barks because someone is in his territory, then give your dog some space and advise people to avoid getting into the dogs space. This method is short term, but if it works for you, then good for you. If your dog barks at strange dogs during walks, you may choose a different route where his chance of running into many dogs is reduced.

Use treats to discourage your dog from barking. If the dog starts barking you can give a command such as "stop" or "quiet." Reward the dog for ceasing to bark. The reward should be given as soon as the barking stops in order for the dog to learn to associate the reward with the action of ceasing to bark. In time the dog will learn that:

Command + continued barking= No treat
Command + stopping to bark= Treat

Dogs learn by memory and association and they are more likely to repeat behavior which is rewarded.

There are some surgical options available to stop your dog from barking. This is by removal of the vocal chords, a procedure known as debarking. If you keep your bulldog for security purposes you might want to reconsider drastic measures such as this since the dog will not be able to warn you in case of anything.

There are also a lot of risks involved in any surgical procedure involving the bulldog due to their anatomy.

Some other options available are the use of shock collars that are activated by the sound of barking and vibration of the dog's vocal chords. These collars emit electric current when the dog barks delivering shock on points along the dog's neck. Many people have advocated against use of such collars terming them inhumane.

You can also use collars which contain citronella. This is sprayed into the dog's nostrils when it barks. The smell of citronella is very irritating for the dog and will discourage further barking.

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