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Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppies - Why They Are the Best Dogs For Families

  • 26/11/2010

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppies are one of the most popular dog breeds across the world. In fact in the United Kingdom they are one of the top ten most popular breeds. This has not happened by chance. The Staffordshire bull terrier is a much maligned breed and yet its popularity sores.

One reason for this is that they are an amazingly loyal and loving dog. That are devoted to their families. The Staffy comes from a terrier background and because of its history was initially used as a fighting dog. In fact that is where its name comes from they were initially used for bull baiting. However over time the role of the Staffy has changed and with the right owner they are the
perfect house dog.

One of the main reasons for this is that Staffy bull terriers are fantastic with Children just look on you tube or Google Staffy with a baby and you will see many results. Staffordshire bull terrier puppies have a protective nature and are called the nanny dog by many. They are gentle souls in their own home environment. Being a terrier they are also bright and intelligent and are an easy dog to train.

Depending on the size of your home a Staffy could be the perfect dog for you. Though they are strong and muscular they are smaller than other dogs and are short haired. If you are a house proud Mum or dad this is also a bonus. Staffordshire bull terriers do moult though not as much as most other dogs.
So if you want a new dog in your family the Staffordshire bull terrier puppy might just be the breed for you.

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