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Staffordshire Bull Terrier? Have Your Concerns About Owning One?

  • 26/11/2010

The Staffordshire bull terrier breed is much maligned in the press not only in the UK but the world over. The challenge of course is that many reports are sensationalised with the actual truth not being reported in the correct fashion

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed is a popular dog across the world and particularly in the UK and Australia. For good reason. A well trained and well behaved Staffy is a joy to see and he or she makes a wonderful family pet.

The challenge with any dog is how it is treated, given the best food and exercise, discipline and love. When you dig deeper into many Staffy stories you will find out that the dog had issues often created by the conditions it had been kept in and its owner's lack of care and discipline.

All dogs are animals not humans and as a result there are many guide lines that as responsible dog owners we need to adhere to.

1. Go to a recognised breeder and if finances will allow buy a Staffy that is registered.

2. Make sure they have regular checkups.

3. Monitor food closely and minimise the amount of protein in their diet.

4. DON'T tease them. They are animals whose natural instinct is to defend itself

5. Train them from day one. Just simple things so that they know who is boss and what is acceptable behaviour.

6. NEVER leave them alone with Children. Staffordshire Bull Terriers love children by the way. Even so any responsible Staffordshire bull terrier breeders will advise not to do this. The reality is no small child should be left alone is a room with a dog.

If you stick to these easy ground rules with your Staffy you will almost eliminate any potential issues.

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