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Siberian Husky Puppies - Generally Enjoy Good Health

  • 26/11/2010

Siberian Husky puppies can easily win your heart over if for nothing else but its outstanding looks. These looks make them the most beautiful of all dog breeds that are equally attractive even when their coats are not black or white in color. What's more the Siberian Husky puppy can have an eye color that is other than blue, for which it is best known for.

In any case, Siberian Husky puppies have very endearing characteristics and they are certainly a lot gentler than you would expect from a medium sized breed. If you are concerned about the temperament of your Siberian Husky puppy, you won't have anything to worry about. Because though it may prove mischievous once in a while or show a strong will, he is basically intelligent, outgoing and active as well as playful, and somehow it won't give up its youthful exuberance even when it becomes an adult.

Generally, the Siberian Husky puppy is a very intelligent animal and is easily given to being trained, though because of its extremely friendly nature it is not well suited as a watch dog. Firstly, it does not bark much and secondly, it will generally love everyone he comes into contact with. While training Siberian Husky puppies, you will often notice the tendency of the puppy to show its own will and mind and generally only obeys commands that seem sensible to him. Thus, you need to be patient when training him and also remember that you need to be consistent and understanding of his faults.

Other than that, don't be surprised if you hear the Siberian Husky puppy howl (which he likes to do) and he is also easily bored, and won't like being left alone, which means owning a pair of Siberian Husky puppies would not be a bad idea at all. Left by himself, the Siberian Husky puppy can become extremely destructive and at heart he is also a sled dog which makes them behave well, even when in the company of other pets.

A noticeable facet to the Siberian Husky puppy is his relative lack of need to eat bowlfuls of food, and is less than voracious when it comes to putting down whole meals. In fact, the puppy is frugal when it comes to eating and will easily be satisfied with less food than is the case with other medium sized breeds.

However, he will spend a lot of time in exploring his surroundings and being active; will require being taken out for exercising for an hour in the day. Unless he is especially well trained in obeying your every command, it is not wise to let Siberian Husky puppies to be taken out without being leashed because he may easily wander off somewhere without coming back to you.

In addition, he likes the cold climates and will not relish being left in the sunlight and in fact must be given a shady place where he can play and rest, and even an air conditioned room may be required to keep him comfortable and happy. Even though, generally, Siberian Husky puppies do not fall ill too easily, it is still necessary to check that he does not have hip dysplasia, or juvenile cataract or other common diseases that may affect him.

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