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Siberian Husky Origins and Characteristics

  • 26/11/2010

Originated from eastern Siberia, the Siberian husky breed is a working class of dogs with a double coat and wolf-like characteristics. This breed can withstand severe weather conditions as their coat protects them from severe cold but as well as heat. These dogs were used as sled dogs during the Nome Gold Rush and then spread throughout the United States and Canada.

Although Siberian huskies are often times considered to be aggressive and dangerous dogs, many people domesticate these animals as they can be trained to be excellent home pets. These dogs are very energetic and cannot spend too much time without playing or getting exercise. When Siberian huskies get bored they will find ways to entertain themselves with your furniture, clothes, and other shiny objects.

The husky's coat color is usually gray mixed with white, but can also range to light and dark brown. Their eyes can be light blue, ice-blue, amber, or brown. They are also popularly known for attaining heterochromia, a trait that is fairly rare among other breeds of dogs.

The nose color of a husky can be black, tan, liver-colored as well as flesh-colored. A regular husky will weight between 45 and 80 lbs fully grown, female slightly lighter. Siberian huskies are known to howl rather than bark. These dogs are extremely intelligent and need consistent positive reinforcement to train them.

Siberian huskies are pack dogs and they look for a pack leader they can look up to. Owning a Siberian husky means you have to be your husky's solid leader. For best results, it's best to train huskies from the age of 8 weeks. This way they are fairly easy to housebreak and crate train.

If you have a husky or are thinking of owning one don't forget to grab the husky training guide! Good luck in your training and don't forget the most important thing, to have fun.

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