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Siberian Huskies As Pets

  • 01/10/2011

Siberian Huskies are gentle, friendly, playful, and extremely fond of their families. Puppies and young dogs of the species exude high-energy. The dogs are great with children and very friendly with strangers. They are not particularly good candidates as a watchdog. Huskies do howl, but they don't bark much.

These dogs are easy to train and very intelligent. They aren't aggressive towards other dogs, and they aren't possessive either. Husky trainers must be the leader and display a stronger will than the dog. They will follow commands very easily and they can become wilful, with a mischievous bent. Huskies aren't very easy to housebreak and you may need professional assistance with this. They're wonderful jogging companions on a cool or cold day.

The dogs do not like to be left alone for any length of time, and they can get very easily bored. They need a lot of mental exercise and physical activity and if denied this opportunity, they may become destructive. Siberian Huskies who are older, are often dignified and exude reserve. They make wonderful companions and are willing workers. They are a sled dog at heart and love to run and roam. Owners must exert constant vigilance or else they could run off.

Huskies do need to be exposed to other dogs at an early age, or else they may not get along with them. These dogs are easy keepers and require less food than they may appear to need. Huskies do require a lot of energy and time invested in them, and if you do this, the dog will turn out to be as beautiful and intelligent as you would think it to be. Huskies are very happy go lucky, and as they mature they turn into a keen and docile family-loving pet.

Huskies have pleasant dispositions and are great at keeping you company. They will recognise you as their pack leader and therefore, that you are the stronger minded of the two of you. Huskies need a fair hand and strong leadership and if given this, they can become a wonderful pet. If you're considering purchasing or adopting one of the Siberian Huskies, you do need to study their special ways and temperament as well as anything that may come up in a family oriented situation.

Siberian Huskies will become wonderful pets if you get the chance, and will start their integration into the family as soon as you take them home.

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