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Shiba Inu Training the Basics

  • 20/11/2010

Shiba Inu training can be conducted in a variety of manners. However, proper training of Shibu Inu dogs should begin in the puppy stage. Shiba Inu's who are not trained in their infancy are a great deal harder to train in their older age. This is due to the fact that improperly trained dogs generally show signs of disobedience that can be hard to alter.

When a puppy has reached three months of age and has received its first shots, it is ready to begin training. Shiba Inu Training should begin with basic commands and actions. These should begin with simple association. This will come in part from name association. Begin speaking to the puppy by always stating its name first. Your puppy needs to learn its name in order for it to know when you are directing your attention to it. This is very important in Shiba Inu training. If your dog does not knows its name, it is going to be hard to get it to respond.

All commands should begin with its name, until it has grown accustomed to other words and sentences that you turn into commands.

The Shibu Inu breed of dog is highly intelligent and can catch on quickly to directions that you give it. Especially when repetition is involved. The more you practice and work with your Shibu Inu, the more effective its training will be.

Shiba Inu training was found to be easy by those who first came into contact with the breed in Japan. So much in fact that they were able to quickly train the dogs to hunt for various animals including fish. The latter of which would take great patience. If you, as the trainer can exhibit patience, then your Shiba Inu will have no problem following your example during training.

One very effective Shiba Inu training method is the command, act, and reward technique. You will be in charge of the first portion. You will create a command such as "sit" and speak this command to the dog using its name and then the word sit. You can then gently show the dog how it needs to sit. Now say it again, and wait for your dog to react. If it fails to do so, you will need to simply repeat the steps and assist it in learning what sitting entails. You command and the Shiba Inu should act. Once it has acted and carried out your command, you should then reward the dog.

A great deal of owners feel that they have to reward their dogs with treats. However, with Shiba Inu training you can simply reward your dog with a pat on the back or a short belly rub. This lets the dog know that is has done something right and that you are pleased with it. Once the Shiba Inu learns that it can please you by doing simple commands, it will always act when you command.

Sometimes this is not immediately learned and may take some practice.

There are hundreds of Shiba Inu training theories and practices. You just have to find the ones that work best for you and your dog.

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