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Shiba Inu - Ancient Japanese Dog Breed

  • 20/11/2010

The Shiba Inu, is one of the "ancient" dog breeds that hail from Japan. The dogs are primitive in the fact that they still resemble their ancestors from long ago. The breed originated in the Japanese mountains where they were bred to become used to the cold, harsh climate. A Shiba Inu is the sixth smallest of all Japanese dog breeds, revered in the past and even today.

Shiba Inu's were first bred by the Matagi who were Japanese hunters. The dogs were used for hunting and assisted the Matagi in searching out food. The dogs were bred in the hopes they would be brave and courageous, which are still characteristics displayed by the breed today. The dogs do require a certain amount of obedience training and firm, but loving discipline. The energy of a Shiba Inu has to be directed into positive activities, lest the dogs chew and misbehave out of boredom excitement.

During the 1920's, the Shib Inu nearly became extinct, but due to excessive interbreeding with three other dog breeds, the dog was saved. World War II also brought about another threat to the Shiba Inu breed as fever and illness ran rampant, but the dog still proved to be resilient. More than twenty years earlier, the Shiba Inu was given the distinction of being named the National Treasure of Japan. For this reason, through the centuries, the Japanese have worked hard to ensure the preservation of the breed.

A Shiba Inu is part wolf, and for this reason the dog is held in high regard in Japan. The wolf is not considered the same in Japan as it is in North America; the wolf in Japanese mythology is revered as a helper and guardian of the people, protecting them during natural catastrophic events. The Japanese outlined a series of breed standards for the Shiba, which are followed by judges for show events. However, there are three top traits a Shiba Inu must possess that take precedence over the standard characteristics.

The key three notable features which the Japanese look for in the ideal Shiba, are Soboku, Kan'o and Ryosei. Kan'i is considered to be the most important and integral characteristic sought in a Shiba Inu, which is the courage and self-esteem the dog has. On the other hand, Ryosei is the devotion and loyalty the dog shows toward his master. A dog with a strong level of Ryosei makes an excellent guard dog and will steadfastly protect his owner and property. Soboku represents the innocent, high-spirited nature of a Shiba. The dog is normally highly energetic and naturally curious; a Shiba who possesses these traits is thought to be the best of the breed. The Japanese culture reveres and adores these dogs for everything they represent. The dogs are charming, even-tempered and extremely loyal, making them a fine and suitable choice for family pet. Owning a Shiba will bring years of delight and joy to any family that wants a comical, inquisitive dog.

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