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Shetland Sheepdog Training - Breed Specific Techniques For Faster and Easier Training

  • 24/11/2010

The Shetland Sheepdog is a devoted and loyal pet dog. It is full of life, easy to train and eager to obey and please. Shelties are affectionate and loyal dogs that feel devoted to their family. Shelties are known for being loud dogs with herding instincts. Shelties have the personality of a terrier, and they make sure they are heard.

Shelties are also very playful. You will have to be firm with your Sheltie pup otherwise he is smart enough to involve you in the game and make you forget all about the training lessons. They have a natural tendency to bring animals or children together. Shelties are like other dogs when it comes to giving them lessons in obedience. In fact, they excel in obedience training.

Shetland Sheepdog training should go quite easily and effortlessly. They have great affinity for kids and other dogs. Here are some tips to train your Shetland Sheepdog:

Shetland Sheepdogs become cautious as they grow up. So, begin their training when they are small. Try to socialize them as early as possible because puppies learn fast and will grow up to be stable and confident as an adult dog. They are very intelligent dogs and can learn fast. The trick is to train and motivate them with lots of treats and toys

Shetland Sheepdogs have the herding instinct; given a chance they will try to group children and animals together. So, try to change the direction of your puppy's desire to chase animals. Give him other things to run after like balls and toys.

The Sheltie loves exercise. Give them enough exercise otherwise they can make training difficult for themselves and exhausting for the trainer. Being agile, intelligent and versatile they are great for obedience and tricks. Make sure you let your Shetland Sheepdog understand who is in charge by making his limits clear to him.

Shelties are quick to learn. You can be gentle and firm with them to get the best out of them. Make use of their natural tendencies to please you, and give him enough praise when he acts in the manner you want him to act.

Shetland Sheepdog training can be fun if you start from the day you bring him home. You will need not more than ten minutes every day with your Sheltie. They learn fast and when your Sheltie learns the five basic commands, you will see a marked difference in your pet.

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