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Rottweiler: Care and Feeding Tips for This Surprising Pet

  • 01/10/2011

You should know that Rottweiler's are very intelligent courageous dogs that are also very loyal to their masters. They are extremely attached dogs who will defend their family very fiercely when needed. The breed is only aggressive when trained that way but their nature is gentle and loving under most circumstances. It's important that you learn how to care for your Rottie if you are going to have a successful relationship with your pet.

An important part of caring for your pet Rottweiler is to be sure they receive their vaccinations and yearly booster shots. When picking a veterinarian you should try to find one that practises holistic pet medicine.

Fleas, ticks and other similar pests can be repelled using natural ingredients which your vet will know about. There are natural treatments for almost all ailments and animals usually respond better to them over the long run.

If your Rottie is an outdoor pet you should make sure you have some type of shelter in case of rain and hot sun. This could be a dog house or just a covered area. Whether they're inside or out you should provide a good bed for them to sleep on. You should also provide plenty of water at all times.

What you feed your pet Rottweiler is very important. The main thing is to feed them high quality food with the first ingredient being meat. Feeding them raw food is the best way to go. When possible it is best to prepare your pet's food yourself. This way you'll be able to select the best ingredients and know exactly what it is eating. If you have to purchase your pets food, try to find natural food. When selecting food make sure it contains at least 30 percent crude protein and 20 percent crude fat. Also your fibre content should be around 4 percent or less.

As with most dogs you should brush your pet Rottie often but only bath them when necessary. Brushing your pet can be a bonding experience which they will enjoy along with you. They are average shedders and really don't need special care to have a nice coat.

When it comes to trimming their nails, you will want to do this around two to three weeks apart. It is important that you do not want to cut them too close as they use them for digging and when walking on concrete.

Exercise is the key to your pet Rottweiler and it's almost impossible to give them too much. If they are kept indoors make sure that they go out for a walk or preferably a run every day. A good way to exercise them if you are not a runner is with a bicycle. A large open area is heaven to them as they can run to their hearts content. If you are not a very active person bring along a ball or something similar to play fetch with them.

All these things are important to the health and happiness of your pet Rottweiler. When your best friend is healthy and happy then you will be too, so be sure you follow these tips faithfully and you will be more than amply rewarded as will your pet.

If you are a pet owner or thinking about becoming one you should visit Natural Pets Health to get more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures. You will also find general information such as the pros & cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes to fish to exotics.

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