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Rescued Border Collie - Is It The Right Choice For You?

  • 31/10/2010

This must be the question on everyone`s lips when contemplating getting a rescued dog, and in particular, a rescued Border Collie. There is a very straightforward reason for this dilemma. The Border Collie has been recognized as possibly the most intelligent of dogs. They are regularly seen on Television Programmes performing great feats of endurance, shepherding, herding other animals, and other feats of intelligence way beyond those expected of a dog. These are commendable traits. However, they are also the very traits that can lead to problems when becoming a house pet. The reasons for this analysis are the ones we discuss here in order to establish whether a rescued Border Collie is right for you.

Border Collies are not like other dogs. They have built-in instincts to herd and gather. This may be due to a close affiliation with wolves. Anybody watching the popular Television programmes where Border Collies, or sheepdogs, as they are commonly known, round-up sheep or other animals to the sound of a shepherds whistle, will rightly be impressed with the intelligence and quick-witted reaction to instructions in order to round-up notoriously erratic sheep.They are equally at home rounding up cattle. They are often seen nipping at the heels of cattle to make them react in a way that they can herd them. This is an instinctive ability. It is also one that is honed to perfection by an experienced shepherd.

Another aspect of the Border Collies behaviour is a little more associated with other dogs. That is the fetch and recover behaviour. We all know that dogs love to chase after balls, Frisbees etc and recover them. However, that is where the similarities end. Where a normal dog will get tired of this after about half a dozen chases after the object, a Border Collie never seems to tire! To the point where you dread the typical Collie behaviour of coming up to you and dropping a ball into your lap to throw it for them. This is because they are born workers. They are not dogs that can be happy lay by the fireside with your slippers while you read the paper. In fact, Border Collies get neurotic if they are not active doing something. Problems then arise when they start to herd other pets, nip your kid`s heals and generally annoy you wanting attention.

Lastly, Border Collies, with maybe the exception of Dalmatians, can run all day for mile upon mile. This may sound great, but not when you don't feel like walking for miles! They will run all day working and get up the next day at the crack of dawn ready for the same again! Now, unless you are in training for the Olympics or maybe a marathon, this can become quite wearing, especially when you look out of your window to see that it is a howling gale and torrential rain, neither of which will perturb the Border Collie. So I hope you are ready for action from day one should you decide to take in a Rescued Border Collie.

Having discussed all the cons, so to speak, let`s be positive and look at where we can find a solution. Well if you read my post on my blog Irresistible Dogs about our Rescued Border Collie cross, Jackie, you will realize that you can have your cake and eat it! For some reason, Jackie had all the built-in traits of the sheepdog without them becoming annoying. It is almost as if the `other dog` in her tempered her natural instincts to the point where she could be happy being a pet at home. In fact she became very close to our first child, our daughter Stephanie. We had to explain to the old ladies that wanted to touch our cheeky baby, that Jackie bearing her teeth and growling meant that they should keep their distance! She became Stephanie's constant guardian and friend as she grew up.

As we are discussing rescued border collies, it would be remiss of me not mention that an older dog could also be a perfect pet. Border Collies are no different to other dogs in that they age. When they get older, they start to lose their appetite for running around all day and start to appreciate home comforts. Our in-laws had a wonderful working dairy farm with a number of working sheepdogs. I often remarked at how the older dogs got the prime spots in the shippon hay near the warmth of the cattle in the winter months, whilst the younger, fitter dogs were near to the drafty doorways! So, the older Border Collie also can be a good pet, and you would be giving a home to a very worthwhile `retired` worker.

I have set up my website Irresistible Dogs solely for Rescued Border Collies, so that people interested can post articles, advice and anything else of value that helps. I hope that it will evolve into a worthwhile resource for like-minded people.

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