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Raising the Standard Poodles

  • 26/11/2010

I've had thirty-five years of Standard Poodles. Bernie, Sidney, Anni and now, Charley! Standard poodles are a great breed, wonderful for families and a good companion singles or couples!

The dog we know today as the Standard Poodle was originally a German dog, a water retreiver that was called "pudelin" meaning 'splashing in water'. The French used these water dogs on their estates and trimmed their coats in a aqua-dynamic fashion to protect the dog's' joints and vital body parts from long exposure in cold water. Later, when Poodles became a breed and a show dog, the cut became extreme and much of the visual lineage of the dog was lost.

I never really did any training with the poodles that I had. In my own experience, they just learn so much by being with us. If we didn't like the puppy peeing on the floor it was some loud words and then, outside. A couple experiences of that and the pups knew where to go. Standard Poodles are very reactive, they can see what you are thinking. A very notable vet in Connecticut told me that poodles are actually. an ancient dog, that their brain circuitry and anatomy go way back to Egypt. I cannot substantiate this, however, this has been evidenced in my own relationship with the Standards that I have at times been in situations where I was glad I had a protector at house or someone I had to deal with at the front door when my husband was away. Basically, this is empirecal knowledge, just based on my life and the lives of the poodles I have had in my life. I just wanted to put in a good word, for all of them.....

Today, the Standard Poodle remains a good sound breed that can provide a wonderful friend to a single person, a couple or a family. I total endorse this breed and hope, if you are looking for a dog, that you will consider the Standard Poodle!

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