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Pekingese: An Ancient Chinese Breed

  • 23/11/2010

The Pekingese, an ancient toy dog breed from China, where the favored imperial pet. Also called Dogs of Foo (or Fu) they were extremely revered by the Chinese. The general public had to bow to them and those who stole them were put to death. Furthermore, when an emperor died, his Pekingese were sacrificed to protect him in the afterlife.

In 1860, during the Second Opium War, British and French troops invaded a palace. British and French troops over ran the Summer Palace during the Second Opium War. To prevent the Pekingese from being stolen by "foreign devils", the Imperial Guards began killing them. Fortunately, five Pekingese survived and were taken to Queen Victoria. It was from these five surviving brave dogs the modern Pekingese has descended. In 1909 the breed was nationally recognized in the US.

The Pekingese breed is over 2000 years old and has barely changed in all that time. Frequent grooming and daily combing are essential. Regular dry shampooing is also recommended. They are prone to herniated disks, dislocated kneecaps, trichaiasis, breathing problems and heart conditions. Regular veterinary visits can help prevent most disorders before they become life threatening.

The Pekingese are insightful, independent dogs that are affectionate with their master, but are distrustful of strangers. They can be very jealous dogs, but can make good family dogs. They are not recommended for homes with small children. They are also good in an apartment setting, but are prone to obesity, so they should be walked or played with often.

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