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Parson Russell Terrier Dog Description, History and Temperament

  • 23/11/2010

Description: The Parson Russell terrier is similar in appearance to the Jack Russell terrier, although it is recognized worldwide as a separate breed. These dogs stand some 12-14 inches in height, with a weight of between 14 and 18 pounds. They have a medium boned body, to which their head appears to be in good proportion. They are very active, have a lively nature, and tend to be able to run very quickly due to their quite long legs. They were bred originally as working dogs and as such require a reasonable amount of exercise, and attention. The coat is naturally Harsh and can feel wiry to the touch. They are predominantly white in colour with patches of tan or black.

History. The Parson Russell terrier, was previously known as the Parson Jack Russell terrier, and was first bred in Devon by a clergyman called John Russell. They were first bred for foxhunting, they would run with the pack keeping up with the horses, but were small enough to flush the foxes from a den. They are very closely related to the Jack Russell. The Jack was dropped from the name of the Parson Jack Russell terrier after a dispute, in America, put forward by the Jack Russell terrier Association, who did not want confusion between the two breeds. The Jack Russell terrier Association did not want to be associated with any other breeds of dog, no matter how closely related.

Temperament. The Parson Russell terrier is fearless and energetic with an apparent devil may care attitude. They tend to get on best with owners of a similar ilk, although the owner would need to exercise a reasonable level of patience, and as they are inquisitive dogs a sense of humour will definitely help. They are a sociable dog and get on well with children; small children should be supervised in playing with the dog as there can be problems if the dog is handled roughly.

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