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Owning an English Mastiff

  • 22/11/2010

When you decide to own a Mastiff, you must be ready to exhibit care and affection for the dog. It is because a Mastiff is a loyal and giving companion, who will revel in your very presence. In fact, a Mastiff is so extremely devoted and attached to its owner, the dog will want to go everywhere with you, whether its to the park, beach or the store.

You should make sure your Mastiff receives a regular amount of exercise by simply taking the dog for walks and playing with him or her. Make sure you have a fenced in yard and take the dog outside everyday for fresh air and activity. You can teach your Mastiff some obedience commands like, "sit," "stay," and "lie down," which will help you control your dog in many different environments. If not, you might be taking the dog for a walk on lead and it will end up dragging you, just because of its sheer size and strength.

Your Mastiff will love to give you big, wet kisses and shower you with love and affection. The breed also exhibits sneaky qualities, so do not be at all surprised if your dog snuggles up to you in the middle of the night. A Mastiff also craves human contact and do whatever he or she can to be near you, at times coming over and laying its head in your lap or extending its paw to make contact.

As your Mastiff grows from a puppy into adulthood, you will find the dog spends less time sleeping. When the dog is awake, it will want to spend more time with you, this is normal. When you are out of sight, a Mastiff will exhibit characteristics of separation anxiety and will possibly even whine or cry. Being a sensitive and intuitive breed, a Mastiff will openly express emotions.

If you would like to own a Mastiff, you should have a house large enough to accommodate a dog of this size. As an adult, a Mastiff can easily top the scales at more than 100 pounds. If you have a small home or apartment, and desire to leave the dog chained or confined, you should definitely reconsider the idea. Having a Mastiff chained or confined for long periods of time can lead to behavioral problems such as chewing and over excitement. If you do happen to have a small apartment or are away for long periods, it's a good idea to setup a daily exercise regiment.

Because Mastiffs have a tendency to slobber and drool when excited or after eating or drinking, you will need to keep a cloth nearby to clean the dogs mouth. For people who are prone to light sleeping, owning a Mastiff might not be a good idea. Mastiffs have a tendency to snore loudly and can be disruptive during the middle of the night. With all the information presented, you are getting a good idea of what it is like to live with a Mastiff. Only commit to owning a Mastiff, if you are certain you can make the lifestyle adjustments necessary.

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Comments (1)

jonne lemieux
Said this on 21/04/2015 At 04:49 am

I got my mastiff when she was 8 months old.She just turned 5.She is an outstanding companion .She is a gental guard dog with the great ability to tell the difference between friend and foe.She is kind to all other dogs,never agressive.I bless my luckly stars that I adoped her.

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