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Overview of the Jack Russell Terrier

  • 20/11/2010

The Jack Russell Terriers are in a league of their own when it comes to energy and personality. They will steal your heart and return your love one hundred times over. For a small breed, they are full of enthusiasm for life.

The Jack Russell terrier size can vary from ten inches to fifteen inches tall at the highest part of the back. The color should be predominately white with splashes of tan, black, or brown. The breed is known for its compact but powerful body. This dog is full of energy and ready to go before you are. Be prepared to play with your Jack Russell terrier because while playing you are catering to its need to hunt, which is what they were bred to do.

The Jack Russell terrier came into existence in the 1800's when Parson Jack Russell began to breed terriers to hunt for fox. His passion to create the perfect fox hunting dog brought about the breed that we are familiar with today. Since then, other Fox Terriers have been bred and created, but Parson Jack Russell's breed stays true to what he developed due to the Jack Russell Terrier Club's efforts.

The Jack Russell Terrier Club runs competitions to ensure that the breed's hunting skills do not deteriorate with time. They also provide an excellent opportunity for Jack Russell Terrier companions to get together and share their love and enthusiasm for the breed.

The JRTC judges the following:

o Conformation: As with any other dog show, the winner is the dog that meets the breed standard the closest. Also judged are movement and temperament. The judges are seeking the best representative of the breed.

o Racing: One of the most thrilling events is watching the dogs in action. Starting out from a starting box, the muzzled dogs (for safety) chase after a lure that leads through a hole in a straw bale stack. First one to follow the lure through wins.

o Go-to-Ground: This event represents a hunting scenario. The dog must make its way through a series of twists and turns to reach the end of the tunnel where it must mark (by whatever signal it was taught by the owner) its prey. The terrier that travels the tunnel, finds, and marks its prey the fastest is the winner.

o Agility: This test is an obstacle course that challenges the dog's agility. The course can consist of jumps, tunnels, balance, and negotiating various objects.

o Obedience: This is a test of both the dog and their handler. The handler is instructed to give various commands to the dog and the judges determine how obedient the dog is and how quickly it responds to the commands.

The addition of a Jack Russell terrier to your life can be full of fun, laughter, and play. But as with all dogs, it is very important to show your dog who is boss so that he does not end up becoming a "little Napoleon". Once the Jack Russell feels that they have the rule of the roost, they will take charge and start to command you. It is best to keep your terrier in its place by maintaining the proper order of command in your household.

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