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Ukrainian Woman Saves Disabled Dogs

  • 12/03/2022
disabled-dogs-ukraine.jpgThis image of woman rescuing disabled dogs in Ukraine is both poignant and hopeful.

The ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict has cast a gloom on many around the world. While wars have never brought any good news, small gestures of kindness by people during such testing, dark times restore our faith in good. Amid explosions, screams and thousands fleeing their homeland, any act of kindness is magnified beyond proportions.

The conflict has forced millions to flee from Ukraine in less than a month. The exodus also meant that people were forced to make agonising decisions. Millions have abandoned their belongings in the pursuit of a safe haven, some of their painful decisions included leaving their pets behind.

Even as the tragedy continues to unfold, an image from war-torn Ukraine has gone viral. The moving image shows a woman standing with several dogs. The striking image is from Irpin a region in Kyiv which is witnessing fierce fighting between forces from the two countries.

The woman in the image is being hailed as a saviour as she has been rescuing disabled dogs from areas that are witnessing heavy shelling. The name and whereabouts of the women are not known. However, the image has stirred emotions on Twitter.

“What can I do to help her. I am one woman on a fixed income and with mild to medium disabilities but I want to help. Can we get a powerful and brave animal rescue organization(s) to rescue her and get her and those poor animals to safety?,” said a user. “Is there a way one can support this woman or this shelter?” commented another user.

While applauding the spirit of Ukrainians, a user said, “I’m in awe at the people of Ukraine. Just incredible. This also goes for the people of Poland who have welcomed people into their homes with open arms.”

The humanitarian disaster has left many pets injured, some even lost. Locals say that the damages caused by the rocket attacks expose animals to shards of glass, concrete, and metal. The debris pose a threat to life for not only humans but also thousands of pets. In all the gloom, the image of the women safely moving disabled dogs to shelter is a reminder of the beauty of humanity and the collective will to survive.

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