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Irish Greyhounds 1 - China 0

  • 04/05/2011

ShelbourneParkDogs.jpgAs reported by us in March 28 Irish Greyhounds aren't on the menu for Chinese Racing Gourmets ...

The Irish Greyhound Board has shelved plans to export Irish greyhounds to China after the Department of Agriculture refused to approve the proposal.

The decision was welcomed by animal rights groups which had raised concerns about China's poor animal welfare record.

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture Shane McEntee said he met the Irish Greyhound Board yesterday and "made it clear" that he was "not in a position to approve the project as presented".

It was agreed that the board would "modify its proposal" to exclude the export of greyhounds from Ireland, Mr McEntee told the D

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Comments (1)

Said this on 11/05/2011 At 01:15 am

I am really looking forward to the plans for the Chinese to start building Greyhound Tracks in China. Contrary to public opinion , the Chinese actually LOVE dogs. I have been living and working in China for more than 3 years now and the popular belief that dogs are treated cruelly here is totally WRONG. I have been a greyhound supporter for more than 50 years and would welcome the prospect of being able to race and watch Greyhound Racing here in China. I had considerered bringing a decent dog and bitch to China so that I could start to breed. I know that there would be great interest in such a venture. Not everone in the world is cruel and I have found that the maiority of Chinese really are concerned about animal welfare. However, if the breeding and/or importation of Irish or othe Greyhounds is only allowed to responsible people (experienced in greyhound welfare etc....) I realy cannot see what the problem is. As usual the 'DO GOODERS' are bleating on about things that they know absolutely nothing about. These organisations really make me sick. There is a great opportunity to promote greyhound racing in China, and with the correct welfare programmes in place it will be a sure success.

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