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My Maltese Sheds Excessively - Help!

  • 22/11/2010

The Maltese is a very famous and recognizable breed. Much of the reason for this is the gorgeous white hair that characterizes the breed. The hair also is responsible for the "show" potential of a Maltese. Some folks think it's great fun to spend time styling the animal's hair. Usually, the Maltese doesn't shed very much but there are some dogs that do seem to have a perplexing problem with shedding. In order to help with shedding control, you will need to be rigorous about the total styling routine which includes not only bathing and trimming, but also diet and exercise.

It's a fact that the hair of your Maltese can get to as much as a foot long if not beautified properly. You might want to think of this process as your hobby which could significantly reduce the tedious nature of Maltese maintenance. It's quite easy for the Maltese to become rather disheveled, matted, and dirty looking because of the whiteness of the hair. Surely you don't want to deal with a dirty, matted creature. The Maltese doesn't require anything like a daily bath. The natural oils can be maintained with a bimonthly bath. When natural oils are removed from the dog's hair, the skin gets dry. If the skin gets dry, shedding and possible health problems occur. With regard to shampoo, use a dog shampoo only. Don't reach for your added volume brand or the dish detergent. If desperate and in a dire bathing emergency you can use baby shampoo. After the bath, use a conditioner on the tresses which will keep the hair soft and easier to comb.

If you should find the long hair maintenance intolerable, you can have the Maltese' hair cut to only 1 or 2 inches in length. If you do this, your Maltese will look like a puppy but the hair will be easier to manage. A short cut can also assist with the management of the shedding and will make the combing or brushing a less difficult chore with decreased chance of grooming tools getting stuck or hurting the Maltese. Don't forget that you can also use an array of doggie styling product that are very gentle.

Although you might not have realized this, diet and stress may be contributing to a shedding problem. If you notice that your Maltese is shedding more, you may need to figure out if something is causing stress for the dog. The dog may require more exercise and/or a more nutritious diet. Once any of these problems are noted and rectified, the health and shedding issues should resolve.

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