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More About Australian Shepherds

  • 16/08/2012

The first kind of Australian Shepherd was first seen in the western part of America as the population of imported sheep coming from Australia increased. Over the years, these breeds and livestock grew in numbers for the California settlers and they saw the value of having sheepdogs to secure their animals.

The western parts of the country were nastier with regards to the heat, particularly within the bone-dry southern areas. It is so much more scorching than what these immigrants or their working dogs had known before. And inside the northwestern places, it was significantly chillier than what they had been used to.

Due to this, there was a great need for a breed of working dog that could endure these elements. Circumstances like stunning stormy climate, almost unbearable heat and freezing cold weathers are generally experienced in this part of the country. The significant dog they required should have the capability to respond immediately to the sheep's motions, as well as their master's voice regardless of the circumstances they are in. This was how the Australian Shepherd's breed began. This breed of dog adapts well to any form of atmosphere. With a little training on basic commands they can do any herding work quickly since they have the natural capability to work around animals or livestock. But the uniqueness of the Aussie dog is not his capability to work, it is the amazing connection he selects to have with his master throughout his life.

Australian Shepherds these days can still be discovered as working ranch animals because they still carry out the same responsibilities in California as they did many years ago. The only difference now is that there are two types of Australian Shepherds. Most Australian Shepherds have been precisely inseminated to be pets or for dog shows while the other kind of Australian Shepherds is particularly trained to work just like the original breed from Australia.

An Aussie that is bred for working has a lighter build, is remarkably athletic and has a coat that is lighter than an Aussie that is bred for shows. They are incredibly brilliant and dynamic, but they are not hyper. They are devoted, responsible and protective when needed. These Australian Shepherds are not recommended for most suburban pet houses, since they require intense exercise on a regular basis and mental challenges. They do best in an agricultural setting, doing what they were bred for: herding livestock.

These Australian Shepherds inherit a herding instinct but this is not that evident in the working-bred Aussie. Best known to be passionate and loving family companions are the show-bred Aussies. Moreover, these household dogs won't be outdone by their farm-hand siblings. These dogs can be found working as: guide for the blinds, general therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, drug detectors, and hearing dogs for the deaf. They are also very competitive in obedience, agility, utility and other disciplined performance as well. It is not unexpected that more and more individuals consider the Australia Shepherds as America's preferred type of dog.

Harold W. is an Australian shepherd expert. For more great information on Australian Shepherds California, visit

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