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Mastiffs - More Than Just Your Average Dog

  • 22/11/2010

Affectionately known as gentle giants, Mastiffs, Old English and American, are probably the most laid back, even-tempered, loving dogs you will find. Inherently, for the most part Mastiffs have the sweetest, calmest temperament you can imagine. It takes a lot, to frazzle a Mastiff! They literally "ooze" love!

Massive in size, it's hard to believe they are as content in an apartment or small house, as they are on a farm or in a mansion! If you are NOT overly active, or an exercise junkie, a Mastiff could be the perfect dog for you! They require minimal exercise. Simply by combining a walk and some fun time at a dog park, and your Mastiff will blissfully spend the rest of the day, sprawled at your feet, snoring away.

If you are an OCD "neatnik," they are not the dogs for you! Be aware, they drool...a lot! Die-hard Mastiff owners consider it as "oozing love.' Others call it "slingers" or "shlub." Whatever you want to call it...Mastiffs do a lot of it! Rare is the Mastiff owner, without a towel draped over their shoulder!

Mastiffs love everyone, especially children! However, because of their enormous size, they are not recommended for families with very young children, or for the elderly. Without meaning to, they can knock you off your feet!

For the most part, Mastiffs are amazing with other animals, especially if socialized while still a pup. But, once again, because of their size, they should always be supervised. It is truly comical to watch a 135 lb, 8-month old Mastiff, pouncing around playing with a little puppy! However, their sheer size can cause a mishap.

If you are a prospective Mastiff owner, bear in mind obedience training is a must. Puppy Kindergarten is vitally important! You need to get that Mastiff pup under control as soon as possible! Teaching them to "heel" at 40 lbs, is much easier than teaching them to "heel" at 150 lbs! If you don't want to spend the next 10 years, looking up their ancestors when walking them, get them obedience trained immediately.

Being the endearing people pleasers that they are, Mastiffs love the attention and positive reinforcement they receive during training. Most respond amazingly quickly to nothing more than lots of praise and willingly follow the Alpha member of their pack. Very sensitive to your tone of voice, a Mastiff will do just about anything you ask them to do, if you ask nicely!

Mastiffs come in two general shapes. The Old English are taller, longer and leaner than their shorter, stockier American cousins. However, both breeds can get enormous. Males have been known to top over 260 pounds. Females are not far behind!

It is hard to imagine, these gentle giants are descendants of ferocious breeds that once fought with and against gladiators in Roman coliseums. They fearlessly, demonstrated their ferociousness in dog fights, bull baiting and fighting off lions, bears, tigers and wolves. They were also used for lion hunting, roamed all corners of the globe as war dogs accompanying invading armies, protected livestock from predators, and guarded homes from invaders. Their loyalty and devotion to their owners is legendary.

Sadly, the Old English breed almost became extinct after both World Wars. A handful of survivors were exported from Europe to the United States and Canada during both World Wars. Through careful, thoughtful breeding, they have become the extraordinary dogs they are today.

Mastiffs have a short smooth coat. They come in fawn, apricot and brindle. They need to be bathed regularly. That is rarely a problem, as many love to play in and with water. Shedding is average.

Be careful when choosing your new puppy. Do your homework. Find a reputable breeder. As all dogs, they are prone to certain health problems specific to their size and breed. Because of their bulk, they are prone to hip and elbow dysphasia. Eye problems and bloat are also common with Mastiffs. Three small meals, rather than one large one can help ward off the possibility of bloat. With responsible ownership, you can expect to enjoy approximately 10 years with your devoted, loving, yet protective companion.

Bottom line: Mastiffs aren't for everyone! Mastiffs may be too much dog for a first time dog owner. None-the-less, if you can live with the drool, don't mind sharing your life with a mammoth dog, can manage to find a hour or two a day for socializing, exercise and walking a dog that will turn heads; if you want a dog that will demand nothing but love, a Mastiff may be the perfect dog for you!

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