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Mastiff Kennels - What You Need to Know

  • 22/11/2010

Leaving home can be very hard on a Mastiff. They can be moody, cranky, and sometimes depressed. Since they are so sensitive they can go threw a lot of anxiety. Not to mention that a Mastiff needs constant attention on their health. So when researching local Mastiff Kennels it is a good idea to start with local breeders or a veterinarian.

One thing you will want to do is check the place out first, don't go based on the word of mouth. Just because someone else likes a particular Mastiff Kennel does not mean that you will. When assessing a particular Mastiff Kennel you will want to see how the staff is, are they happy? Is the place in good condition? Do they know the answers to any question you have? Questions like these are a great importance to you. You should try and find one with people that seem friendly, nice, and have a kind loving heart. This is a key ingredient for your mastiff to be happy while you are away.

You will also want to know if the area where the mastiff will be is clean and free of drafts. You don't want them getting cold, especially when you live in a state or place that gets a lot of cold or snow. Is there also bedding in the place? Or is it a simple blanket? Mastiffs need more then just a blanket, if they don't have anything more then a blanket down do you think your mastiff will enjoy its time there or be comfortable?

After selecting a Mastiff Kennel you should help the process of easing the mastiffs anxiety by taking them in a few times before you take your trip. A helpful suggestion is to take the mastiff in three to four times for play visits, then to take them once or twice for a night stay so they know you will be returning when you leave them for your trip. It might seem like a hard task or something coy but this is essential to a Mastiffs emotions. Once they bond with you they wont want to leave you PERIOD.

Another major concern is the mastiffs territorial instincts. You will want to curb this one fast. Just because they are in a kennel doesn't mean they don't have the protecting my space thoughts. Where they are is where they will protect. So to stop this you will need to see if the staff can limit the amount of persons who tend to your mastiff. This does not mean giving less attention it just means you want a few people tending to his needs on any day, that will help limit this problem and when you return it might make the mastiff make the transition easier.

The last thing you need to know about the mastiffs possible problems while in the Mastiff Kennel is water and feeding times. You will want to make sure they get two, to three feedings a day with constant water. Mastiffs need a lot of water in a days time. Mastiff Kennels will probably know this especially if they have had experience with other Mastiffs.

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