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Mastiff Adoption - Risks, Benefits and Expectations

  • 22/11/2010

Adoption of a mastiff is an honorable choice and I hope you pursue this choice. There are some things to be aware of before you go head on. I thought you should know the risk the benefits and what to expect when deciding to adopt a new mastiff.

1. Mastiff Adoption Risks The risk in mastiff adoption, is not clearly knowing the dog's background. Pedigree, past training, and health are all questions that may be a bit vague to answer if the dog that has been rescued without any identifying pieces of Id.

Usually a rescue center that specializes in mastiffs will make the extra effort to contact various breeders to determine if they found a mastiff that was originally sold by them.

For the most part the mastiff found abandoned are undernourished, under-trained, with no identifiable means. So you could end up with a genetically lower breed with various health problems that can later arise to the tune of large vet bills.

Mastiff rescue centers will make every effort to rehabilitate the once lost animal so that it's ready and healthy for adoption.

2. Mastiff Adoption Benefits I don't have to rehash (but I will) that adoption feels great. The mastiff you adopt now has a second shot at life; a happier life with you and your family. The mastiff you adopt with some basic training will make a great companion and give an endless supply of love.

Adoption is a lower initial cost then buying directly from a breeder. Getting a purebred mastiff can be very pricey form reputable breeders; as you're ensured of pedigree and guaranteed health. So adoption is a great alternative for those who just love mastiffs as a pet and companion; and don't care about the bragging rights that come with "papers".

3. Know What to Expect Well the adoption process is not quick when dealing with a shelter or mastiff rescue center. You'll need to provide some information on an application (they will provide you) and some of the requested information can be personal as they want to ensure the mastiff will not end up on the street again.

Shelters and Rescue centers will charge a fee or require a "donation" as it takes a large amount of resources to facilitate and nurture mastiffs back to health and provide them with vaccinations.

Waiting times are also common, sometimes you have a request for a specific mastiff within a certain age bracket, and sometimes the shelter just will not have any mastiffs; on the waiting list you go and hope for the best.

I encourage you to check out any mastiff rescue centers in your area and get a better feel for what kind of mastiffs end up here. Make it a fun outing.

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