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Looking For Pugs

  • 23/11/2010

Since the Pug is an excellent breed of dog with many fine qualities many people end up raising more than one at a time. However, each dog breed has exceptions for when they aren't the right for everyone or every household and the Pug is no exception. While everyone wants to see the positive effects of Pug dogs it is also very important that you consider the negative aspects of the breed before you make your final decision on getting a Pug. By carefully selecting a breed you can ensure that your new dog is a positive experience.

So consider the negative aspects of Pug dogs in order to make sure their personality and lifestyle will fit in with your household. It is important that you carefully and seriously consider the nature and characteristics of the Pug breed before making a final decision. The most difficult areas for the owners of a Pug include health issues, shedding and housetraining. Each of these areas will be discussed in a little more depth in the following article.

Pug dogs are likely to get many genetic health issues. This means that a Pug dog may require more veterinary care than another breed of dog. This doesn't mean that every Pug will have health issues, it is important to be prepared to spend a lot of money and time at the vet's office if you own a Pug. So you may want to consider another breed if making this type of twelve plus year commitment doesn't sound right to you.

Shedding is another common problem with the Pug. While they have a short coat they also shed more than other breeds. So Pug dogs may not be right for you if you don't like the idea of dealing with dog fur all over your house, car and clothes. There isn't much you can do to reduce the amount of shedding a Pug does, you will just have to deal with hair all over the place all the time. Cleaning can keep the hair down, but you will have to clean on a regular basis in order to keep the house, car and clothes looking presentable.

Last is the issue of housetraining. Pug dogs aren't the easiest to train when it comes to dog breeds. The small size of the Pug makes them more difficult to train than a larger breed dog since they have a greater capacity to hold. While size is a big obstacle to housetraining a Pug there is also the issue that Pug dogs tend to be very stubborn at times, which makes them less cooperative to train than other breeds. If you have prior experience with owning dogs and you have a skilled system when it comes to training then you may be able to teach your Pug proper housetraining techniques within about three months of adding them to your household. However, for most people the housetraining of Pug dogs will take at least a year or longer. So if you aren't prepared to deal with an un-housetrained puppy for a few years you likely don't want a Pug.

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