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Labrador Retriever Training

  • 22/11/2010

The best method of Labrador retriever training is to apply positive reinforcement, that's combined with unrestricted praise and treats.

In order to establish an immediate bond, play with your pup on a frequent basic and if possible get down on the floor with her - this bond will later be strengthen through training. Labrador retriever puppy training can start almost as soon as she arrives home. In a similar way to a small child, she will learn best through activities and games.

At approximately eight weeks of age your Labrador retriever pup can start to learn about retrieving objects. This is the "fetch" activity that she will enjoy all of her life.

Getting to grips with the basics of Labrador retriever training isn't difficult. To teach this fun exercise, it's often ideal to have her on a ten foot lead or so. Don't be tempted to use a stick for this activity (this could cause an injury) but take a toy that she recognizes or a soft-ball. Make certain that it's too big to be swallowed.

Gently wave the toy near her head to draw attention to it and then throw it approximately five feet in front. There's no need to throw it too far as she's just starting out. If she arrives at the end of the leach all of a sudden, she could be hurt. Use her name, so the command is "Molly, fetch!"

Follow as she runs to the soft-ball and if she picks it up; offer some encouragement - but not too much praise yet, as she isn't finished. If your Labrador retriever does not take it in her mouth, wave it in front of her until she does. Then walk slowing back to the starting point, and encourage her to follow. If she does drop the soft toy, be certain to get her to pick it back up. Once she arrives back, remove the ball out of her mouth and at the same moment say the command "Out", or similar command. Now you may offer lots of praise.

In a very short time, with some practice, you'll know how to a train Labrador retriever to enjoy this fun activity. She will soon come to realize what you want and how to receive the most praise. As she becomes accustomed to retrieving without you needing to move in the direction of the soft-toy, begin to throw in various directions.

Labrador retriever training can also include swimming, but when starting out it is important to strengthen the swimming muscles. Don't force or throw your puppy into a pond or lake. A puppy at approximately three months of age may be encouraged to enter the water and will soon realize what's needed. Wading in with her can assist in getting started, in addition to seeing other dogs having fun in the lake.

As any one who owns a Lab can attest, learning the basics to Labrador retriever training can have an enormously beneficial effect on her future well-being.

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