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King Charles Spaniel Training Methods

  • 22/11/2010

The King Charles Spaniel is a small dog breed. They have long ears and a silky coat. They are gentle and affectionate, and yet fearless at the same time. These are spunky little dogs that are very energetic and bouncy. They have a happy temperament and are full of grace. If you have a Kin Charles Spaniel, training techniques should be used. "Secrets to Dog Training" is one method that works well with this breed.

King Charles spaniel training should begin the day the dog enters your home. If you allow the dog to misbehave it can become a habit, and this is harder to train. Do not expect any miracles to happen the first week. Remain patient and consistent in your training. Correct the dog if it does something unacceptable.

With this breed, it is important to remain patient and consistent in training. Even if the dog was trained poorly by a previous owner, these behaviors can be changed with a little work and patience as well as consistency. Continue to let the dog know what is appropriate and what is not. Use short, single word commands so that it will be easier for the dog to learn. Whatever you do, never yell at the dog or use physical force to harm the dog. This will only make training harder on you as well as your new puppy.

When the dog behaves well, make sure that you reward with a lot of praise and even a treat. This will let the dog know that when he does this behavior, good things happen. Remain patient with any dog training you do, and you are sure to have a life long bond with your dog.

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