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Keeshond Dog Breed Information

  • 03/05/2011

The Keeshond Dog breed originated in the Netherlands long ago and is a relative of the Chow Chow, Pomeranian, and the Samoyed dog breeds. These small and fluffy dogs were used as watchdogs and companions since they are such affectionate dogs. As watchdogs, these dogs were used to keep watch on Dutch riverboats on the Rhine River during the French Revolution. These days, they make excellent dogs for families and can still be great watchdogs.

Keeshonds are very playful, affectionate, and easy going dogs. They are quite intelligent and easy to train, so having them around other pets and children is quite easy to do and they get along great with others. Along with training them to behave well, Keeshonds are able to do tricks and can be easily trained to do a variety.

They do like to bark from time to time but that is what makes them wonderful watchdogs in order to alert others of danger or suspicious behavior. On average, Keeshonds tend to weigh on average between forty and fifty pounds. Males are usually seventeen to nineteen inches in height while females tend to be between fifteen and eighteen inches in height. The life expectancy of the Keeshond dog breed is about twelve to fifteen years.

Keeshonds enjoy a good walk and some play time to remain happy and healthy. Some common health concerns that the Keeshond breed may be more susceptible to are epilepsy, hip dysplasia, skin problems, and patellar luxation. Patellar luxation occurs when the knee cap, also known as the patella, to move around and become displaced. This can be caused by trauma or malformation during the growth of the pet.

This can cause lameness and trouble with movement. If this condition goes untreated, it can occur more mobility problems, pain, and possibly even arthritis. With some of these conditions, especially patellar luxation and hip dysplasia costing several hundred to thousands of dollars for treatment, it may be wise to look into dog insurance for your Keeshond before any of these health concerns occur. Keeshonds are generally healthy dog breeds; however it is important to keep them happy, healthy, and protected.

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