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Jack Russell Terrier Agility

  • 20/11/2010

Dog Agility is a sport which puts the speed and aptitude of dogs to the test as they bound over, race on, and weave all the way through the hurdles and obstacles laid out before them. However, only Jack Russell Terrier Agility has an On-Lead Agility level. This is incorporated in the game in the aim to get the canine familiarized with the sport and to give the handler the chance to practice on the agility equipment of their pet as many owners only get the opportunity to do this through this sport.

Being naturally-bred hunters, Jack Russell Terriers have a great advantage in such events. Their innate aggression, strength and uncanny hunting skills are exhibited magnificently. This breed of terriers is known to take on obstacles with energy and enthusiasm until they see their way through the end. Regardless of the size of the challenger, the courage of the Jack Russell remains unwavering.

First time Jack Russell Terrier Agility challengers fall in the Novice category of the On-lead agility class. Dogs that have not received a score of over a hundred ninety in any agility test also belong in the same category. All the others that have scored beyond the cut-off mark move on the Advanced On-lead agility.

Off-lead Agility, however, is comprised of: Starters, Certificate levels for Agility I, II, and III, and Youth Agility. No terrier can cross-enter or accelerate to the higher levels unless first passing the obstacles in the lower ones.

As with any sport, the Jack Russell Terrier Agility follows a number of rules. Basically, no toys, food, training tools, or anything that may be used to lure the terrier into performing desirably must be within ten-feet in proximity to the agility area. Leashes are allowable so long as they are not too tight. Leash tugs, however, can be a ground for penalty. A terrier must be a year old and above to enter the sport.

A lively dog such as a Jack Russell might be challenging to command. To let it follow orders, keep your training sessions fun and playful to get your pet hooked into the activities you laid out. It is also vital to culminate every training session in a victorious note. Repetitively use one command for every obstacle for the retention and familiarization of your terrier.

When training the dog, use flat collars or no collar at all. Before deciding to enter your dog into the sport, make sure that it is over a year old. It would be better if you had your pet checked by a veterinarian to ensure its fitness.

Jack Russell Terrier Agility attracts many spectators because the energy and enthusiasm of the terriers are always catching and exciting to witness.

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