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Jack Russell Terrier - A Great Little Companion

  • 20/11/2010

We all want to find friends or companions that will enrich our lives and give us the most benefits for what we need. And when you are looking for a dog that fits those criteria you need to look no further than a Jack Russell Terrier. They are an all-in-one dog that is very interesting.

Let us take a look at the history of the Jack Russell Terrier.

John Russell, a young Theologian student met a milkman who had a white terrier that had spots on his ears and eyes. He became very interested in this breed and became the foundation in breeding new dog breeds that many dog owners have come to love. "Trump" was the name of the dog he saw and from him another 60 types of terriers were bred.

Terrier came from the Latin word "terra" which means earth, so with the terriers' nature to go on and over the ground it is a name well given. Jack Russell Terriers absolutely love to hunt and scour for food and are well given to hunting as well.

Jack Russell Terriers are very good housekeepers in that they are very good ratters so will keep rats and vermin out of the house. Owners will probably find they have ended up with a dog and a cat in one small companion.

The Jack Russell Terrier makes a great family dog and loves human companionship. Another interesting characteristic in this breed is their love for children.

However, if they are abused or shown improper treatment in any way, whether intentional or not, their aggressive nature can show through. Because of their lack of fear towards larger dogs they do sometime gain injuries and some can even be fatal.

If you have ever been in the presence of a Jack Russell Terrier you will know that they do not appear vicious at all. Once they smell a threat though they show their aggressiveness that can serve as a warning to any strangers. The thing to remember is when the stranger is let into the house by the owner, a Jack Russell will readily tolerate the new person's presence.

Jack Russell's are very intelligent and are very curious about things around them. This can sometimes make it difficult to train them and might need extra training unless you can put up with their difficult behaviours. Don't let this put you off though as they can acknowledge training and excel in most of it.

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