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Italian Greyhound - Essential Things You Ought To Understand

  • 25/03/2013

The Italian Greyhound (also known as the "Iggy") is a toy dog. They have an appearance that's similar to the regular Greyhound. The breed is assumed to have first came into existence in ancient times over 6,000 years ago where they were initially bred for hunting and companionship. These days they're a common selection as a companion dog for active owners. They can be distinguished by their sensitive temperament and love for running. They are a descendant of several ancient unknown breeds and are believed to have come from Ancient Egypt.

They are classified as a small to medium sized dog. The official male and female guidelines are 13-15 inches tall with a weight of 8-12 pounds. Their personality is recognized as being gentle and sensitive. The breed is usually timid towards people they haven't met before, and this plus their small size can mean they are unsuitable as a protection dog. They're recognized as being fairly intelligent, and ranks 60th compared with every other breed when learning new things.

They're fairly suitable for a family pet, as they're good with kids. Other pets such as other dog breeds or cats and smaller animals don't mix well with them. One simple job is looking after their coat. They require a full-body groom every couple of months or whenever necessary, and occasional brushing of their coat once every week or two. They like to have a large, well-fenced backyard so they have plenty of room, but can be suitable for life in an apartment.

They are largely long-lived, as is the case with a good number of small to medium sized dog breeds, and have a life expectancy of 13-15 years. They are vulnerable to epilepsy, PRA, cataracts or hyperthyroidism, but their most worrying health risk is broken bones and injuries. They enjoy things such as sprinting, running around the yard or hunting for items. They demand long walks each day to avoid hyperactivity or other bad habits as a result of their high degree of energy.

If you choose the Italian Greyhound you must be ready to spend plenty of time exercising them and giving them attention. They are not the best option for families with rough, young children, but an excellent choice for retirees, couples without children or families with older children. One of the reasons dog lovers choose this particular dog is that it makes a good companion and running partner because of its love for running and sensitive nature.

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