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Is the Portuguese Water Dog a Glamour Dog?

  • 23/11/2010

Any critic in a dog show will definitely look into the dog's history when assessing the dog.

Thus, show judges that spot a Portuguese water dog remember that this is a working dog that started out in Portugal. They were bred to accomplish physically demanding work, and the ideal Portie got the job done with his skill, courage, and determination. With that, a judge therefore will get the surprise of his or her life to see a Portie all fixed up as some sort of "glamour" dog, much like a Poodle or some lap dog. Nevertheless, a real show Portie's coat has been allowed to lie naturally, sans the fluffing and puffing that some do their utmost to pull off on the breed.

Many must be interested as to why the Portuguese water dog is shaved at the rear. As we have hinted above, it is a matter of function. The long coat length at the front shielded the dog from low water temperatures whenever he went diving. Hard as it may seem (harsh, even), it was all in a day's work if the Portie was told to go under to look for some lost tackle, or some wayward part of the net, or to swim and bring a note to the next boat. The clipped hindquarters, on the other hand, allow the breed ease of movement to propel itself.

This all amounts to a dog not in a lion trim (at least in a show!) sending the signal that he cannot accomplish efficiently the task he was meant for.

Another thing that needs to be reduced when preparing a Portie is mistakes. One such mistake that can be made by a Portuguese water dog owner is that the dog is over trimmed. Indeed, if we will really go by tradition, a "messy"-looking dog will fit in more than a "glamorous"-looking dog.

Furthermore, the dog needs to do away (inasmuch as they look cute) with the tufts of hair half-covering

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