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Is a Bullmastiff Right For You?

  • 31/10/2010

Bullmastiffs are a great breed of dog, but before purchasing a Bullmastiff puppy you should first have a basic understanding of this breed. Bullmastiff is a cross between an English mastiff and an old English bulldog. They are a very muscular dog. You must also be prepared to handle a dog that is very strong. This type of dog is very agile and athletic. These dogs are a very large breed that can weigh between 110-133 pounds. This breed is not for a first time dog owner. This breed comes in several different colours such as; Fawn, Red, Brindle, in different shades of each.

Bullmastiff Behavior and Temperament
The temperament of a Bullmastiff is a confident, yet docile dog. They are very courageous and can be extremely loyal to their family. They can also become very attached to his or her owners. They are great companion for children if well socialized. The Bullmastiff breed was never bred for hunting so they should not show signs of aggression (except for certain cases). Bullmastiff tends to get along better with same sex genders (dogs).

How you know if the Bullmastiff breed is right for you?

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