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Information on Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  • 23/11/2010

The Welsh Corgi, the Pembroke and the Cardigan, are known to be descendants of dogs from the British Isles around the 9th century AD. They are believed to be brought there by the Scandinavian raiders.

The dogs were then breed with the native dogs. So the original Norse-Welsh crosses were born.

In 12th century AD, Flemish weavers brought to Wales Spitz-like dogs and further crossbreeding took place.

Corgi's Scandinavian ancestors were believed to be used for hunting water fowl, and Corgis themselves are
deployed as fowlers' dogs on the rocky Welsh coast. So, Corgis were then used to guide animal flocks in the farms, and to protect them from predators.

In this modern era, Corgis' have maintained their flexibility and tenacity that make them multi-purpose farm dogs. They can herd livestock, eliminate pests and hunt as well. They also tend to want to herd humans, and other smaller dogs as well. However, when domesticated, they make good companions for kids and as well as adults and old folks. Corgis are highly intelligent and can be easily trained, although some may have stubborn traits.

Corgis were officially introduced in England in 1925. Pembrokes and Cardigans were then used to differentiate between them only 1934. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has several lovely Pembrokes throughout her life.

The general appearance of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is low-set, but sturdy and strong. It is active portraying substance, strength and stamina in a compact body. It looks bold but kind, intelligent and engaged. It is never shy nor is it vicious. Height should be about 10 - 12 inches and weight between 28 - 30 pounds.

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