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Ibizan Hound Dog Breed Temperament, Health Issues, Grooming, and Living Conditions

  • 20/11/2010

Temperament: This dog is known to be good with children, being playful and polite, and also known to be gentle and sensitive. It is best to remember this dog has been bred for hunting. So other pets such as rabbits, rats and cats can be seen as a source of food, to this dog. Cats that have been raised with this dog will be fine, but other cats will be a source of temptation and bring out the hunting instinct of this breed. The Ibizan Hound does well to be socialized from an early age with other dogs and animals, and this includes humans. The Ibizan will not do well left in a kennel. It is a pack animal and need to live with the family.

The Ibizan hound is an exceptionally clean dog, and will be respectful of household rules. We see in this dog, a quick learner. They are very trainable, providing, they have an owner that is not timid. This dog can blush, when they get excited. This dog is intelligent and will need variety in their training, as they can become bored. This is a very fast dog and can jump exceptionally high, even from a standing start, they can jump most fences. The Ibizan Hound will require a good run every day and will enjoy at the game of retrieving. Keeping this breed on the lead is important due, in part, to its speed. Due to its instinct, to hunt, this dog can shoot off like a rocket and will only return when it's ready, no matter how long or how much you may call him.

Health issues: Some lines are prone to epilepsy, but over all this is a strong and hardly dog. The Ibizan hound can have allergic reactions to some medication, insecticides and flea powders.

Grooming: Ibizan hounds do not require much attention, to gain a shiny coat. Rubbing a rubber glove over it is all that is required. Checking the ears weekly to see that they are clean and tidy, this will help reduce the risk of ear infections.

Living conditions: This dog will be fine in an apartment provided they get adequate exercise, both mentally and physically. An Ibizan hound will like a large garden. Fencing needs to be carefully considered due to the dog's ability to jump a normal garden fence with ease. The breed club literature suggests a 40X60 feet fenced area, as a minimum.

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