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How to Train a Pug

  • 23/11/2010

Are you trying to find out how to train a pug? You've come to the right place!

The biggest mistake a Pug owner can do is allow the Pug get away with the unpleasant behaviors. It is very common for people to shrug off the bad behavior because they easily get infatuated by the cute demeanor of the pug. But this is wrong; this is just making the Pugs believe that their actions are acceptable. They are very stubborn and once learned it will be nearly impossible to undo the disagreeable manners when they become adults.

The moment the Pug sets it paws to your home, day one of training has begun. Pugs should be trained right away. In fact, the first six months of its life will determine its personality for the rest of its life. Alter bad behavior as early possible.

First and foremost, extensively socialize the Pugs. Introduce them to all the people in the house. Bring them to crowded areas especially if you live in urban places. Introduce them to other animals as well. Doing this will be good to your Pug's behavior development.

Next and probably the most difficult thing to do is house training you Pug. They have poor bladder and bowel control especially when young. You must be patient and consistent when house training them. Crate training is great for Pugs. You should try this method while giving positive reinforcement.

Interestingly, Pugs are very sensitive to the tone of the human voice. When you want to reward them with vocal praises after they have done something right, you have to go over the top with it. Express your approval worthy of an academy award. The more expressive your tone is the more they will believe that they have done something right. So the next time your Pug achieve something, praise like your life depends on it!

In training Pugs, you must establish firm leadership. They have pack mentality and if they believe that there is no pack leader, they may try taking that role. Pugs who had taken this role are impossible to train.

Pugs are naturally very friendly little creatures. Sometimes, too friendly for their own good. They seem to get along with everyone. They are very playful and believe that all people must pay attention to them.

Pugs are very sensitive to attention. If you get indifferent towards them, they will feel agitated and anxious. They think that there is something wrong with them. Doing this often will make your Pug a miserable wreck, but that shouldn't be an issue as they are natural attention-getters.

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