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How to Train a Keeshond Puppy - A Quick Guide to Training Your Keeshond Dog

  • 22/11/2010

Keeshonds are intensely lovable and sweet dogs. They have a lot of easily directed energy and love nothing better than being with their family. They are great with children and other pets if they are socialized often. Keeshonds easily take to strangers and love everyone.

Keeshonds, like all dogs, do well when they have clear rules to follow. They are best trained with a consistent and lovingly firm master. They need daily exercise and are happy when they are with their families. The Keeshond likes to bark, but with the proper training can be taught to bark only once. Their loyalty to their family makes them excellent watch dogs and faithful, loving companions. Here are some tips to get you started training your new friend correctly:

The first thing that any successful trainer must do is secure the assurance and respect of the animal to be taught. This phase is particularly important when schooling a dog. As societal pack animals, they have a inherent need to follow a solid leader.

Setting yourself up as this control figure is the center of any successful dog schooling system. Lacking respect and trust you will not achieve much success when schooling your dog. Your dog will come to regard and trust you in time, but first you should treat him consistently and fairly. Once you have gained your dog's respect, you will be amazed at how speedily your training advances.

All too often, new dog owners do not appreciate that while affection is important, it does not take the place of loyalty. Being affectionate to your dog can either encourage building loyalty or it can undermine it. The habits that you teach your puppy will convert into later life, so make sure that you do not let your puppy become undisciplined. By establishing rules for your dog to adhere to, you let him understand what you expect of him.

Dogs build confidence by knowing the rules, and they foster trust when you implement the rules. Though the pack leader is at the top of the pack, each dog within the pack also has an ordered place around his pack buddies.

Good luck training your new Keeshond puppy!

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