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How to Train a Jack Russell Terrier Puppy - The Mindset For Training Your Jack Russell Terrier Dog

  • 20/11/2010

Although tiny the Jack Russell Terrier is mighty in spirit. These small dogs are known for their fearlessness and energy. Jack Russell Terriers are constantly on the move and need a great deal of entertainment and socialization to keep boredom at bay. They are friendly animals, but may do better in families without small children.

The Jack Russell Terrier is normally obedient, but due to his larger than life personality he can become demanding if given the opportunity. They need a very strong, experienced owner who is capable of exuding authority or behavioral problems will creep in. Owners must keep in mind that Jack Russell Terriers are fearless climbers and jumpers who thrive on adventure and play. So here are some tips to help you start training your new best friend.

The initial thing that any successful trainer must do is gain the assurance and trust of the animal to be trained. Setting this basis is extremely significant when training a dog. A dog is social by nature, and you can use this predisposition to make training him easier.

By establishing yourself as the pack leader your dog will look to you for guidance and approval. Trying to instruct your dog without first building the admiration and self-confidence that he requires will likely bear out ineffective. Your dog will come to regard and trust you in time, but first you should handle him reliably and impartially. When your dog sees you as his pack leader, you will have an keen and willing student on your hands.

The way you exhibit affection to a dog can make a significant difference in gaining his respect and trust. Being loving to your dog can either encourage building loyalty or it can challenge it. While a puppy is an high-spirited power with which to be reckoned, it is vital to set up some expectations early to cultivate respectable habits. By setting up rules for your dog to go along with, you let him recognize what you require of him. Dogs do appreciate rules.

Dogs build confidence by understanding the rules, and they foster loyalty when you enforce the rules. Each dog in the pack understands what is expected of it, and knows their place in the pecking order.

Just remember to be firm and consistent, but also to reward your dog when they react as you would like. Good luck training your new Jack Russell Terrier puppy!

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