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How to Train a Dalmatian Puppy - A Quick Guide to Training Your Dalmatian Dog

  • 01/11/2010

Dalmatians are loving, friendly dogs who have an enormous amount of energy. They are intelligent and athletic. Although normally good with children, without the proper daily exercise they can become too energetic for a family with small children.

Dalmatians need strong, firm leadership and a great deal of attention. Owners must make their position in the pack abundantly clear and never let the Dalmatian think that he is in control. Dalmatians are social animals and will not be content to be on their own for long periods of time. When properly trained, Dalmatians are exceptionally obedient and make wonderful watch and guard dogs. Here are some training tips to get you started.

Acquiring an animal's admiration and assurance is the initial phase towards effectively training him. Setting this groundwork is particularly significant when training a dog. If a dog cannot distinguish a pack leader, then he assumes the position as leader.

By establishing yourself as the pack leader your dog will look to you for guidance and approval. Until your dog has grown to trust and respect you, it will be hard for any training course to be successful. Earning a dog's loyalty is best done progressively by interacting with him in a regular and fair approach. As soon as the dog has learned to have confidence in and respect you, he or she may be shocked at how fast the teaching sessions develop.

Most new dog owners misconstrue adoration and affection for trust and respect. Being affectionate to your dog can either help building respect or it can challenge it. While a puppy can play the adorable card to get almost anything that it wants, it is a big misstep to get started this way. It is imperative, nonetheless, to set boundaries, and to establish agreeable and intolerable behaviors.

Dogs in fact welcome these types of limitations, because they are comparable to the system that the pack leader sets up in nature. In a natural setting each dog knows his place in the pack, and he knows what his job is.

Good luck training your new Dalmatian puppy!

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