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How To Stop Yorkies Chewing Items They Shouldn't Chew

  • 01/10/2011

As a pet owner, you have to take control of your Yorkies behaviour. Chewing is one of these behaviour problems many owners of this breed of dog complain about. Like any bad habit, if it's not addressed, your pet will continue to act in a negative way. In many cases the problem can get worse. The following steps help to prevent Yorkshire Terriers from chewing objects they should not chew:

The first thing you should do is dog-proof your house. Even the most well-mannered canine is capable of misbehaving. When you dog proof your home, you are removing objects you don't want your dog to bite or chew. Yorkies are small in size, so it should be relatively easy to keep objects out your dogs reach. Some examples of the objects Yorkies like to chew include shoes, food, clothes, books, cables and phones.

The next step is to make a clear distinction between what your Yorkie can chew and what they cannot chew. Don't give your dog objects to play with that are similar to objects they should not be chewing, such as old shoes or old clothing. In most cases they won't be able to tell the difference between chewing these old objects and newer objects that are more valuable.

Give your Yorkie alternative objects to play with such as dog toys. This will take your dogs attention away from your possessions. It will make them focus on chewing other items instead. Most Yorkies love to chew, and this is especially true for younger dogs. Buy a number of toys, and change them every few days to keep your pet interesting in these chewing alternatives.

Proper supervision and increased interaction with your Yorkshire Terrier also helps. The more contact you have with your Yorkie the better,because they will have a greater understanding of what they can and cannot chew.

If your Yorkshire Terrier chews on an inappropriate object, stop them by making a loud noise. Clapping your hands loudly is one way to achieve this. Give your pet an alternative object to chew, and then praise them. Your dog will realise he or she will get praised if they chew on appropriate objects such as dog toys. If they chew on anything else, they will get into trouble and will be reprimanded.

Yorkshire Terriers love to chew things because of their breeding. It often takes time to stop Yorkies chewing inappropriate items. However, if you are patient, it will be well worth the effort.

If you're a Yorkie owner or would like to own one of these popular pets, there are many behaviour and health issues you should be aware of such as chewing. To find out more, visit the Yorkshire Terrier Problems website.

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