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How to Properly Groom an Australian Shepherd

  • 25/10/2010

Taking care of an Australian Shepherd can be a rewarding experience for any pet owner. Once a routine is established, the care seems minimal when compared to the companionship that comes from having an Australian Shepherd as a pet.

To new owners of an Aussie, the care of the animal can seem somewhat intimidating. However, taking care of an Australian Shepherd, is actually nothing to be frightened of. It is best to be prepared when bringing home a new dog. This means, having all the proper supplies that are need for the care of the pet. For dogs, moving to a new home can be a very traumatic and stressful experience. Owners will want to make the transition as smooth and easy as possible for the dog, as well as other family members.

It is important to designate a place for the dog to sleep. Many pet supply stores carry a wide variety of dog beds and crates to choose from. Which ever one is chosen, bear in mind where the bedding or crate is to be located in the home. Australian Shepherds need a place in the home where they can relax and sleep peacefully, when not interacting with other household members. This will allow the dog become less stressed and adapt more easily to the new environment.

Each dog in the house should have its own water and food bowls. These can also be purchased at a pet supply store. The next step is choosing the right kind of food to feed an Australian Shepherd. Asking a breeder or a veterinarian can help you decide on the right type of diet that is appropriate for the age and size of your dog.

In order for an Aussie to stay healthy, it is imperative for the dog to have regular check- ups by a licensed veterinarian. Making sure that the dog is up to date on all its vaccinations is very important for the health of the Australian Shepherd. When speaking with the vet about certain medications for the Australian Shepherd, it is important that the veterinarian be well informed on all the medications that can and cannot be used when treating members of the Collie breed. There are more than 50 different types of medications that have adverse neurological effects on Collie breeds, and can some even result in death. A well informed owner can make all the difference when taking an Australian Shepherd to the veterinarian.

During the first few weeks it is important to set a schedule for the Aussie, including set times for walking, feeding, bed time and potty training. This will give the dog a sense of routine and helps the dog make an easier transition to a new environment. A schedule also allows the dog to realize what is expected and makes training the new dog easier for you. Many new owners find that after a few weeks, the Australian Shepherd will adjust quite easily and become a welcomed and much-loved member of the family.

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