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How To Potty Train A Beagle With Minimum Fuss

  • 16/08/2012

Is it time to potty train your Beagle? Learn the professional tips that will help you in the process while saving you the fuss.

Beagles are an intelligent breed, so learning how to potty train a Beagle should not be a difficult task. The dog loves to follow a scent. You take it to a particular location where you want it to relieve itself. It soon learns to smell its way through and finds the place in no time. You have to get over initial stubbornness your dog may demonstrate. The process should not dampen your spirits, as the end result is worth the effort and time you put in at the start.

Begin Crate Training Your Beagle First

Crate training should begin as soon as the Beagle is brought home as a pup. They are short in stature, so the crate must be designed to keep the puppy comfortable within. Space must be limited to ensure the dog does not move around freely. Basically, the crate must be a place where the dog can rest and call its own. If weather permits, it can be kept outside; otherwise, keep it in a well-defined place within the house. The dog remains inside for about 30 minutes after it has eaten. Use words like "potty" to direct the dog to the location.

Some dog owners may bring home a fully grown Beagle. It is very likely the dog does not need potty training at home. You may have to take the dog out regularly after two hours or so until the Beagle finds a comfortable place in an area of your choice. In fact, the dog will indicate the need to be taken outdoors. It's almost like it teaches you how to potty train a Beagle. Offering treats helps in training. Every time you feed it after a positive response to developing crate habits, the dog understands you appreciate what it does.

Steps Involved When the Dog Moves Outside

Irrespective of whether your Beagle is still a pup or fully grown, it is wise to take the dog out after every hour or so, at least initially. The dog must get used to following its own instincts to find the right place to relieve itself. The process develops out of habit. The older the dog, the faster will be the adaptability. Ensure the place you opt for does not have to be cleaned regularly. The backyard with sufficient loose soil to cover the poop is an ideal location.

If the Beagle insists on relieving itself indoors, look for signs of sickness. It is a disciplined dog and will not normally disobey you unless it catches a powerful scent and feels compelled to follow. When it happens, your Beagle is inclined to control the urge to relieve itself. However, taking it outdoors is a healthy exercise. It provides the dog with an opportunity to satisfy its hunting instincts while still being able to decide when it should relieve itself.

Potty training a Beagle is not really a difficult task as long as you have the right information. Instinctive habits of the great breed teach the dog to accomplish necessary tasks on its own. Be patient and always look to correct the Beagle firmly but without raising your voice too much. Appreciate the dog's good behavior, and you develop a close bond that stays for a very long time.

And now I would like to invite you to get instant access to more free information about Beagle potty training at

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