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How To Choose A Dog Toy For Your Dog

  • 01/01/2014

As a dog owner it is sometimes difficult to pick the right dog toy for your dog. When you go to the local pet shop there are always at least 30 different types of toys that you can buy your dog. The question is, which one is most suitable for your dog? In this article, I will talk about the most common dog toys and what their uses are.

A dog toy that is very popular is the Kong. It is made of a durable rubber that is safe for dogs to chew and allows you to put treats inside so that the dog spends time taking it out. I find this toy extremely useful as I can put peanut butter or dog treats inside of it and give it to my dog right before I leave to work in the morning. This gives my dog about an hour or so of active time with the toy. If you're going to get a Kong, you should know that there are several types of Kongs. There is the blue puppy Kong which is a softer rubber, there is also the red original Kong which is the most common, and then there is the black durable Kong for heavy chewers. I recommend that you buy the red one and if your dog is chewing it heavily then you can buy the black one.

Another great toy that you will find in your local pet shop is a tug toy. These tug toys are extremely fun to play with and helps to create bonding time with your dog. The tug toys that you find that most pet shops are sometimes not of the highest quality. Make sure that you grab the toy in your hands and that you pull tightly on both ends to make sure that it doesn't rip or fall apart. I recommend that you buy a tug toy that is made of a rope material as opposed to a fabric material since it is much more durable. The size of the tug toy should match the size of your dog, if you have a small dog obviously don't by a large one.

One of the best thing that you can buy is a tennis ball launcher. It allows you to throw a tennis ball extremely far without much effort on your part. If your dog is a natural retriever then it will give him lots of running time. The reason that I like this toy so much is that instead of going for a walk I can just go to the Park and throw the ball a dozen of times and my dog gets exhausted very quickly. There are several models available and the one that I like the most is a compact version that folds and easily fits in the car.

Perhaps the most exciting dog toy that you can buy your dog is a squeaky toy. This dog toy has a small rubber squeaky inserted in the middle of the dog toy so that when the dog bites it, the dog toy makes a special noise. I recommend that you store away this dog toy when you are not at home to prevent your dog from ripping it apart.

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