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Housebreaking Italian Greyhounds

  • 20/11/2010

Housebreaking Italian Greyhounds is not that much different than any other dog, but there are some key differences you need to pay attention to. With their popularity growing every year, here are some tips to help you.

These dogs have a bloodline that extends back over 2000 years and they can run up to 25 miles an hour. It is an affectionate dog that makes a great companion. This dog is also considered very intelligent, but you will still need some patience when housebreaking.

Remember that Italian Greyhounds are small sight hounds and usually weigh less than 15 pounds. They have very slender bodies and short coats, because of this they may be very reluctant to go outside when it is cold, wet, or rainy.

Because of this it is recommended that, at least while they are young, that you also paper train them as well. By training them how to properly go inside and outside you do not have to worry about what the weather will be like.

If you do only potty train them to go outside, you may want to buy a doggy coat for them. These coats should be snug fitting and are great to keep by the door for convenience.

Other than these points, potty training Italian Greyhounds is very similar to other dogs. Remember to keep a strict schedule and to restrict water access at night to avoid accidents.

Also, by including all family members in the housebreaking, everyone will know the rules that the dog must live by and therefore this process will go faster.

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