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Housebreaking - An Important Part of Weimaraner Training

  • 26/11/2010

Probably by now, you have already decided the objectives of your Weimaraner training. As an all-purpose gun dog, it is expected that the Weimaraner is good in hunting at the same time protector of his family and territory. Thus Weimaraner training is usually aimed to create a hunting dog and a well-mannered four-legged member of the family.

What do you think is better than a reliably house trained Weimaraner dog? Having this elegant and noble yet with athletic appearance dog is a joy and pride to its owners. But having a reliably house trained one is way better.

Housebreaking, also called potty training or house training is one of the major concerns of most dog owners. Naturally, one cannot expect a dog to go straight to his owner and say "I need to go" or "I need to do this now or else I'll stain your highly-valued rug you got from your last trip abroad." As dog owner, it is your responsibility to see to it that the four-legged creature you brought home do what is appropriate, in a human's perspective at least.

The first tip in housebreaking is to establish regular feeding schedule. So if you feed your dog thrice a day, you have to do this almost at the same time everyday. This process will help you establish your Weimaraner's regular potty break. But how? 15 to 20 minutes after they ate or drank water, they usually pee or poop out. Thus you have to take your pet outside so as to avoid accident inside the house. Apart from every after meals, you also have to take him outside as soon as he wakes up in the morning, right after his naps, after taking him out of his crate, before bed time and if he whimpers in the night.

Another important tip is to watch out for signs indicating that he wants to do his thing. Restless behavior, heading toward a previously soiled spot, circling and sniffing the floor and/or digging at the floor are some signs indicating that it's time you take him outside. Just be sure that you are always around to watch him to prevent the occurrence of mistakes.

And one more thing to remember, if you do not catch your puppy doing it, then you need not punish him for it. He will not understand that he is being punished for the mistake he did three hours ago. If caught in the act, do something to distract him - loud clap or the likes. Then take him out immediately to finish what he has started.

A reliably house trained Weimaraner is an indication that you successfully hurdled one important part of Weimaraner training.

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