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History of the Doberman Pinscher

  • 01/11/2010

The history of the breed of dogs known as Doberman Pinschers is relatively short in comparison with other canines. Dobermans were first bred in Germany around 1890 by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Dobermann was a tax collector and was forced to travel through many rough areas of town with bandits and thieves. He bred Dobermans in order to have an effective animal for protection while performing his job. When creating the new breed, he envisioned a dog with the perfect blend of strength, loyalty, and intelligence. Dobermann also worked as the local dog catcher, giving him easy access to a large number of canines that he could use for his breeding purposes.

It is believed that the modern day Doberman Pinscher originated from several different types of dogs. Although the breeds used still remains unknown, it is speculated that the Pinscher, Rottweiler, Beauceron, Weimerainer, German Shorthaired Pointer, Great Dane, old German Shepherd dog, black Greyhound, and Manchester Terrier all contributed to the Doberman's development. Many experts believe the modern day Doberman is a combination of at least four of these types of dogs. One exception does exist, however. It is documented that Greyhounds were crossed with the current Doberman. Additionally, it is commonly thought that the old German Shepherd, a now extinct breed, was the largest contributor to the gene pool.

After his death in 1984, the breed was named the Dobermann-pinscher in his honor. However, about 50 years later, the term pinscher was dropped. In German, pinscher means terrier. It was thought that it was inappropriate to call the dog a type of terrier, so the ending term of the name was formally dropped.

After becoming very interested in the further development of the breed, Otto Goeller adopted the kennel name Thuringen and further refined the work done by Dobermann. Several years later, in 1889, Herr Goeller established the first "Dobermann Pinscher Club." Herr Goeller became involved in breeding the dogs as well and took up the kennel name Groenland. This kennel is responsible for some of the most important and influential specimens in the history of the breed. Most modern day Dobermans can be traced to this prominent line of dogs.

Because of their history as a guard dog, Dobermans excel at a number of disciplines such as police and military work. However, they can be aggressive. If you are interested in learning more, this dog aggression website can provide more helpful information.

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