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Here's a Shortcut to Housebreaking Your Pug

  • 23/11/2010

There is no doubt that housebreaking a Pug, or any puppy, can be one of the most frustrating tasks for an owner. Many people believe that Pugs are particularly hard to house train because they tend to be a little bit stubborn. Believe it or not, housebreaking your Pug can be a fairly easy thing to accomplish if you follow three easy steps. The first step is to remember to follow your dog's natural schedule and to associate his acts of elimination with the same phrase such as "go potty". Remember to praise any successes. Pugs love the attention of their owner and really do like pleasing them.

The second step is to limit your Pug's movement and don't give him too much freedom too soon. A crate can be very useful for this step because it keeps your Pug confined. Feeding him while in the crate, at least while he's a puppy, can reinforce this because a dog generally will not eliminate where it eats and sleeps. Naturally, as your Pug grows in size, you will have his food and water elsewhere. While he's in his cage watch your Pug for signs of agitation particularly when it's near "his time". The crate will limit his activity and keep him focused on developing good bathroom habits.

Many owners have an aversion to a crate and think it's cruel to keep a dog confined but that simply is not true. A Pug will regard his crate as a safety zone and they have a natural affinity for the cave-like feeling that a crate can provide. It should not be used as punishment but should become your Pug's private place that he feels comfortable with. Having a favorite toy in the crate will keep him from getting bored. Especially in the beginning, a crate is ideal for socializing your Pug and getting him used to the household that he is a part of. It can definitely shorten the time it takes to housebreak your Pug.

The third step is the most important and that is to practice patience and a positive demeanor at all times when housebreaking your Pug. Never punish an accident. If you catch your Pug in the act, startle him with a noise (not by yelling) and move him toward his potty area repeating whatever phrase you've decided to use. Always praise successes. Many owners make a walk a part of the bathroom process. At the appropriate times you can take him on a walk but never start playing with your Pug until he has completed his business.

Don't rush the process. There's a common misconception that Pugs need to be housetrained by a certain age. That is not true. Every Pug is different and, in general, females take slightly longer to train than males. You should not consider your Pug to be completely housebroken until he's gone at least 8 weeks without an accident and some experts would make that 12 weeks instead of 8. Even then, you can expect an occasional accident. Remember, patience and a positive attitude will help create success.

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