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Havanese Training Won't Bite

  • 20/11/2010

Have you ever met a disobedient, spoiled child? They might be the light of their parents' eyes, but they are the terrors of the neighborhood. They are dangerous to themselves and others. It's a shame that human parents aren't expected to give their children basic obedience training. Your rambunctious and utterly adorable Havanese may seem entirely innocent to you, but still needs Havanese obedience training in order to not be classified as a spoiled brat.

You don't have to go through trying to train your Havanese alone. You can always invest in good dog training books (and follow their advice), enroll in dog obedience classes (now available at big chain pet stores) and watch dog training DVDs. But the best thing you can do is work with your dog in short sessions of only a few minutes a few times a day. Make sure your Havanese has had exercise in order to not be too easily distracted.

Observe your Havanese furry kid and see what really excites him or her. Is it a particular food treat? Is it going outside for a romp? It is a particular toy? Be patient in discovering what would be the ultimate reward for your Havanese in training.. It will be the use of this treat, activity or toy that will be your secret weapon in Havanese obedience training. You will save this treat, activity or toy ONLY for when your Havanese does what you want him or her to do.

Never beat your Havanese for being "stupid" or "difficult." This will lead to confusion on the part of the dog and inflicts unnecessary suffering. How would you like to be pounded if you couldn't told to do something you couldn't understand by someone who did not speak your language? This is what is happening to your dog. They are trying to obey you, even though they are not native speakers of whatever language you speak.

If all of this seems baffling or overwhelming, take a deep breath and get to the book or pet store. Well, you have to go to the pet store for dog supplies anyway, so why not get a Havanese obedience training DVD or video? There aren't many specific dog training books just on training Havanese, so you might be better off with an all breed dog training book. Havanese love to please and are very intelligent, so any dog training book emphasizing positive reinforcement will work for them and for you.

Always end your training sessions on a good note. A way to do this is to ask the dog a command you know he or she knows. This gives the dog confidence and gives you some positive reinforcement. Keep the dog on a lead if you are not sure how he or she will react. Train inside and then, when the command is learned indoors, try outdoors with a lead on. Be patient - you and your dog will learn Havanese obedience training eventually if you keep at it.

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