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Great Information on Doberman Pincher Dogs

  • 01/11/2010

The Doberman pincher dogs, commonly domesticated pets by several homeowners around the globe, emerged about 1890. Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann is the man behind the breeding of this human-loving dog. In those early days, the Doberman was a perfect guard dog or a police dog. Today, the pincher is the best man's companion and a home dog. Many families depend upon the Doberman for protection and friendship. It is a clever, alert, and a faithful dog to have. According to the reputable American Kennel Club, the Doberman pincher dog has a medium body size, short fur, and a square build.

A major characteristic of this animal is its sporty body. If you want a speedy dog with a very compact body build, the Doberman is your best pick. The dog's temper is very desirable given that it is very obedient. The male dogs have more strength, ensured by the body muscles than the female dogs that are thinner. Male dogs appear noble and watchful too. Generally, a Doberman dog has a medium body size. Even so, the size could differ based on a given club's breeding standards.

The standard height of an adult male dog ranges between sixty-six to seventy-two centimeters. Female Doberman dogs' height range is between six-one to sixty-eight centimeters. Its square body frame is perfectly proportional. All the body parts, including the head, legs, neck and shoulders are proportional. A typical male adult dog weighs approximately thirty-four to forty-five kilograms. A typical female dog weighs about twenty-seven to forty-one kilograms. However, there is no standard weight for all Doberman pincher dogs. The other amazing characteristic of this domestic pet is color.

The main colors to expect include blue, red, fawn and black. The biological principle behind the development of the four colors is the combination of either black or dilution genes. Fawn, otherwise called Isabella in the case of this dog breed is the least common. You should research more information to understand how the colorations occur. You can even find a few white Doberman dogs that are not albinos. They are in fact not pure white, but have ivory or cream color. Tail size is another characteristic that distinguish dogs. Generally, Doberman pinchers have relatively long tails. If you wish to cut the tail, a short period after the birth of a puppy, you are free.

This is a common practice among dog owners in many parts of the world. Some people trim the ears as well, although, this would depend upon a dog owner's country of origin. This dog breed has naturally nice ears that may not need cropping at all to make them vertical. If you intend to get yourself a few doberman pincher dogs, find them online. Many trustworthy websites that deal with dogs have the right animal for your home. For sure, you will not regret having this dog breed, as it is not delicate like most toy breed dogs are. If you feed, clean and walk this pet well, he or she could become your most trustworthy friend.

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