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German Shorthair - Their History and How to Pick a Good One

  • 19/11/2010

The German Shorthair has a distinctive breeding history all of its own. It is believed to bred from a number of different breeds. It is known the Spanish pointer was used with most likely a French pointer called the Braque. It is also believed this was blended with a bloodhound and foxhound to create a very diverse hunting dog. This was important in Germany where there was a wide variety of different game. The result has been a dog that lacks the sophistication of a specialist dog like a standard English Setter.

These dogs tend to be a little bigger and heavier than other pointers. They also tend to be slightly slower because of this extra weight. It is also a little deceptive because it has a longer stride that gives some people the impression that it is not going as fast as it really is. One interesting thing about the German Shorthair is that it is not uncommon to have dual champion dogs that win in the field and in shows. This is a remarkable distinction compared to the other pointer dogs which are either good at one or the other.

The versatility of the German Shorthair's breeding has created a dog that is suited for many situations, but will not normally be a top performer compared to other dogs Most hunters believe they can work well finding upland game in heavy cover, but are not suited for example to hunt pheasants in big, open country. This dog has a great nose and loves the water which makes it a popular option in the North. They also have the possibility of becoming good watchdogs as some tend to have sharpness to them. This sharpness can be viewed as an asset by some owners and not by others. All the dogs tend to have a mild disposition.

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