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Facts About English Bulldogs - Everything You Need to Know

  • 26/08/2013

English Bulldogs are a breed descended from an ancient breed of Asian Mastiffs. This breed was developed first in England by bulldog breeders who cross-bred Mastiffs with Pugs.

They are small dogs, wide, compact with charming faces, well known all around the world. While some regard them as grumpy looking dogs, fans of the breed see past the seemingly stern folds of skin on their faces and appreciate the character and culture these dogs project.

On average, this type of dog is between 12 to 16 inches in height, and tends to grow to between 49 to 55 pounds in weight. Their average life expectancy is eight years. They are a short haired dog, with a smooth coat, so you will not need to spend large amount of time grooming them, as can be the case with other breeds. This breed is not known for heavy shedding of fur, so you will not have this problem with them either.

Their jaws can look extremely fierce, but owners all around the world understand that this is how they have been bred. These dogs also have a short muzzle, with their lower jaw extending out below the upper jaw. These dogs do tend to have a very strong grip when they do bite down on something; this is because of their jaw structure.

They make wonderful, alert and loyal watchdogs. They are always aware of strangers approaching and will growl and bark if they feel someone unknown or unfriendly is approaching. However, they do not attack. They are absolutely charming dogs and in loving and caring homes who train them well and respect them, they will be wonderful family pets.

Even with a young family, this is a lovely breed and can be a lovely family pet. Obedience training is the key to raising a puppy to become a well behaved and loyal family pet. If you go to a reputable trainer for help and advice, and if you speak to experienced owners,they will also have a detailed knowledge of appropriate behaviour training. With the right help and guidance you should have no problems at all.

The puppies are full of fun and energy, just like most puppies. They have adorable expressions too and most people who view the puppies fall in love with them straight away. They require regular exercise; this is a breed that can be susceptible to becoming overweight so it is important to exercise them regularly to avoid obesity and health problems as they grow older.

If you are considering owning this breed of puppy and having one becomes a member of your family, then the first step is to read more about this magnificent breed. Speak to a reputable breeder, and find out all about them before you make a decision. Dogs are a new member of the family, and each breed has its own needs and characteristics. You should take care that the breed you choose suits your family, your home and lifestyle.

This is a breed which is becoming increasingly popular with American families. They make wonderful pets for smaller homes or apartments and their distinctive look and historic lineage is extremely attractive and endearing.

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